Katelynn LaGrone

KHL Photography Senior Model Application


Tell us more about yourself

Parent/Guardian Contact
                                                                  Additional Terms of Agreements
-As a senior representative, you are agreeing to the following terms during the 2019-2020 school year: 1) You and immediate family agree to exclusively promote KHL Photography. 2) Senior agrees to post or re-post publicly KHL Photography content at least once monthly (content could include photos from seniors photo sessions, promotions, contests, etc).  3) Agrees to Like and follow KHL Photography on FB and Instagram. 4) Keep any of your photos from your photo session with KHL Photography as your main social media image.
-In exchange for being a senior representative, senior will receive: 1) (#2) one hour photo sessions within 50 RT miles of 93755 (or .75 per additional mile if other location is desired). 2) An album of watermarked images on social media to be shared per above. 3) Two unwatermarked image OR $20 print credit per booked referral. 4) Yearbook photo submission. 5) Up to 100 senior rep cards to pass out. 6) 15% discount on all other products.

-Senior must refer 3 booked senior clients in order to receive the second photo session.
-If senior does not fulfill the above agreed requirements, contract dismissal will result. If this occurs, senior and legal guardian agree to reimburse KHL Photography the total session fee ($450 per session completed).
-KHL Photography possesses all rights to utilize photographs taken ato be used on KHL Photography's website, advertisement purposes, publications, contest entrees, etc. Client waves the right for any royal or financial compensation arising from the list above. Client may request to review images taken prior to KHL Photography publishing the images.
-KHL Photography possesses full copyright of images. This means that client cannot alter photos in anyway after receiving images, including but not limited to: Cropping, adding filters or changing coloration, etc. If violation occurs, there will be a $1000 fee per image.
-After receiving the earned images, client has full right to print images. Upon receiving images, client accepts full responsibility for archiving and protecting images. If client fails to archive photos after receiving them, and wishes to have them retrieved at a later date, there will be a retrieval $50 fee.
-Guardian agrees to attend both photo sessions (N/A if college senior)
-Senior representative shall refrain from committing any illegal or offensive acts in their private life while serving as a senior representative. Such acts and/or activities includes but is not limited to substance abuse, school administration suspension/dismissals, public indecency, etc. KHL Photography obtains discretion for ethical standards. Failure to uphold standards may result in dismissal from contract and requirement to pay the $750/ session fee.
-KHL Photography possesses full copyright of images. This means that client cannot alter photos in anyway after receiving images, including but not limited to: Cropping, adding filters or changing coloration, etc.
-If any additional unearned unwatermarked digital images are wished to be purchased, they will be available for $20 each until Dec 31 2020. After Dec 31 2020, if they are wished to be purchased their will be a one-time additional archival fee of $50.
-KHL Photography is partnered with professional labs in which we can ensure the quality of prints. If prints are made through commercial labs, KHL Photography cannot ensure print quality.
-KHL Photography has full rights to artistic visions/ability and will do their best to duplicate the quality of images in our online portfolio. KHL Photography cannot guarantee images of consistent work in the event that there is inconsistent weather, lighting conditions, or time constraints.-KHL Photography is not responsible for any injuries inflicted upon any participating parties. Client will be responsible for their children and for themselves and release photographer from any claims against their person or their business. Photographer and assistants will take the utmost care to work in a safe manner. During outdoor sessions client
should expect the unknown elements of Mother Nature; insects, natural allergens, small animals, uneven terrain, hidden burrows, roots and branches, etc and hold photographer harmless against any injury or illness caused by these elements. Client safety is priority.
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